One of the significant provisions of the Act of 19 November 2009 on gambling is Article 88 whereby the Gambling Problem Solving Fund is established. The Fund, operated by the minister competent for health matters, is a state special fund. Its budget accounts for 3% of the revenue from government contributions to state monopoly gambling.
Initially, the Fund expenditure could be earmarked exclusively for gambling-related programmes; however, the amended Act of 26 May 2011 extends Article 88, which apart from gambling includes other non-chemical or behavioural addictions. They are mainly addictions to the Internet, computer games, mobile phones, shopping, sex or work.
Specific terms and conditions of the Fund’s operation are defined in the Regulation of 16 December 2010 of the Minister of Health (Journal of Laws of 2011, No. 6, item 27). The Regulation specifies conditions for obtaining funding for the implementation of statutory tasks, application procedures and transferring resources from the Fund. The Regulation sets two basic funding application deadlines: 30 November and 31 March. If the need arises, the Minister of Health might announce an additional deadline.
The National Bureau for Drug Prevention is the Fund’s operator on behalf of the Minister of Health. Upon commission of the Minister, the National Bureau has developed concepts of five programmes covering the following fields: research, prevention, raising quality of prevention and therapeutic programmes, information and education actions and solving problems related to gambling and other non-substance addictions. Department of Solving Gambling Problems to operate the Fund has been established within the National Bureau.
Anyone who wishes to get familiar with the Fund’s functioning and the related legal regulations may follow the National Bureau’s website, which will feature any information connected with day-to-day business of the Fund.