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Advocacy campaigns
Advocacy campaigns are one of the most effective methods of drawing attention to a problem and, at the same time, the most wide-reaching form of communication within society. Campaigns also play an important educational role and significantly complement preventive programmes.

Drug addiction is a social issue and, hence, it is constantly monitored from several aspects. The results of research and monitoring activities provide the necessary data which allows us to respond to changing needs. Consequently, it is possible to define the issue of drug addiction and establish goals for preventive programmes for the chosen target group. This, in turn, is the foundation of any advocacy campaign. Advocacy campaigns focusing on the dissemination of information on drug-related risks are one of the means in which the National Programme on Counteracting Drug Addiction is being implemented. 

Until 2000, the National Bureau for Drug Prevention did not organise nationwide campaigns due to a lack of funding for drug awareness raising programmes. Therefore, to promote  knowledge in this field, thousands of information leaflets and posters were printed. With the gradual increase of financial support, we managed to expand the scope of activities and involve both NGOs and the media in the cooperation. This is how the first, relatively modest campaign was born – “Find the time for your child”. The following years allowed us to develop further and hire professional advertising agencies, which prepared the campaigns and secured media promotion. This was crucial as the success of an advocacy campaign is, to a great extent, dependent on the involvement of TV, radio, press and the Internet.

Strona: 1 
National Focal Point
Projekt Transition Facility PL2006/018-180.05.04
"Wsparcie regionalnych i lokalnych społeczności
w przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii na poziomie lokalnym
- kontynuacja"
© Krajowe Biuro Do Spraw
Przeciwdziałania Narkomanii